Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We have really been doing a lot of organizing here at the bookshop. Today I went through the craft section, because I've never really been happy with how it was organized. After some careful negotiations with the boss, I spread the craft section into the art section just a little. Now we have all the knitting books in one section and all the crochet books right next to those. We also have some of the knitting and crocheting books featured above them. The rest of the craft section was organized by what kind of craft they are and hopefully they will stay somewhat neat? It's an ongoing battle, but hopefully we can do it.

I'm really proud of how it looks now. I've always wanted to be able to have the knitting books all together and then the crochet books right next to them. I'm a closet crafter and I wish that I had more time to indulge in this hidden passion. I'm hoping that people will start buying more craft books now that they can see more of the selection we have.

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