Sunday, December 23, 2007

So far this Christmas season has been quite hectic here at the bookshop. The past couple of days have been non-stop running around and helping customers. I barely make it back to the register after wrapping for one person, when one of my coworkers will pass along a few more books for me to wrap for someone else. If you weren't aware, we do free gift wrapping and not just during the holidays! There are some exceptions, such as when we had our wrap it up sale the past couple of days. The kids books and toys on sale were not included in our free gift wrapping. I for one was happy about it when someone wanted a very large and awkward shaped toy wrapped. Toys and puppets are always the worst to wrap, only due to shape. I can wrap books all day long, but show me a puppet and I will cower in fear!
I realized yesterday that we are lacking in the graphic novel department. This is one of those departments that has kind of been left up to the younger generation at the bookshop, because the older one just doesn't seem to understand that genre. If anyone has any fantastic graphic novel suggestions I would really appreciate it. I already know and love Maus, Maus II and Persopolis.
Another Christmas note, it is quite surprising to me that so many people have left getting a certain book to the last minute. People have been coming in and asking for very specific and not all that well known titles. They are then surprised when we don't have it in stock. It makes me feel bad, but also, do your Christmas shopping a little earlier next time people! Or at the very least plan ahead a little better. Then we can special order your book and have it ready for you to pick up the day before Christmas if you choose to wait that long. Well, this is definitely going to be the last post before Christmas, so have I hope everyone has a happy holiday.

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